Websites for Writers
There are millions of writers' websites out there. Okay, maybe not millions,
but gosh darn close. And we hate to say it but, but when it comes to offering
real meat and potatoes advice about how to break into the publishing industry,
there’s not a whole lot to choose from. However, there are a few diamonds in
the coal bucket, and we’ve listed a few websites that offer pertinent
information, advice, and up-to-date raw data about literary agents, the
publishing industry, and the writing process.
Conferences & Seminars
Writer’s Conferences offer a great way for writers to learn, network, and gain
feedback on their writing—often in a three-to-four day marathon event.
Conferences are frequented by high-profile literary agents and established
editors looking for new talent. And while it’s true that some conferences pay
their guest exorbitant amounts of cash to sit on a few panels, mingle in the
hotel’s lounge, and endure small talk with clinging wannabe writers, generally
agents and editors don’t participate for the money. Instead, they take time out
of their busy schedules to attend conferences because they’ve successfully
found new clients at past events. And you could be next.
Writer’s Residencies
Writers’ residencies are like mini-writing vacations. You get away, nestle
yourself in a pristine picturesque environment, and meet other serious folks
pursuing their literary dreams. Let’s face it—your family and nine-to-five
career can really suck the creative life out of you. That’s where residencies
come in. They offer emerging artists a nurturing environment to create,
rejuvenate, and inspire themselves and their art. Sounds kinda fluffy, but so
is cotton candy, and they both make this world a better place.
Literary Organizations
Literary organizations run the gamut. We’ve broken them down into two kinds,
regional and national. We say peruse our list, do some research, and knock
yourself out. Whatever sounds like it’s worth the membership fee is probably a
good bet because membership has its privileges. Joining a good literary
organization can help you network with veteran published writers, keep on top
of the latest literary trends, inform you of fresh publishing avenues, and give
you discounts on conferences and seminars. Plus, receiving a monthly literary
newsletter is always a subtle reminder that you should be writing more. In our
opinion, it’s always best to start local and grow from there. Take a few
classes. Give a few readings. We feel that participating in an
established regional literary organization is a fabulous way to find support
for your literary dreams and endeavors. Your own backyard is always a friendly
and inviting place to start.
Grants & Foundations
Free money is falling off your backyard trees, especially if you happen to be a resident of a state that offers grants to regional writers for simply living
inside their state borders. Yes, we're not naive. We know it's difficult to win the major state fellowships. The competition is fierce. Plus, those major grant applications are
more time-consuming than a weekend trip to your DMV. But smaller "mini-grants," "special assistance" grants, and "opportunity grants" are becoming more and more common as state agencies and private foundations find new ways to assist a broader base of artists.
These smaller grants help off-set the cost of attending a writers' conference or
residency, hosting a collaborative event between writers and the regional community, or acquiring new equipment and supplies.