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the planet!
We’d love to hear from you, especially if you’ve been querying agents and
you’ve retrieved vital information about a recent agent’s address change, email
change, or agency departure.
If you need specific advice on a specific question about drafting the perfect query,
getting an agent, or the publishing industry, and you'd like a specific response in less than 24 hours, we highly recommend you check out our online writing community, AQ Connect.
It's 100% free. Just register as a member and then post your question in the proper group, and our veteran AQC members and moderators will come to your rescue in about 5 seconds flat.
You can try directly emailing us your general questions, literary musings, and other whimsical
correspondence via But honestly, we read and post on AQ Connect more than we check this email's inbox. So AQ Connect is by far a better route these days.... Please use
this email if you are sending us information regarding updates to data within our website. We generally check this inbox once every two weeks. Please use
this email to tell us about any technical difficulties that you experience while
using our website, including problems viewing our site with your browser, broken or incorrect
links, or any other cyber transgression that you experience. (Feel free to
bother our IT department as often as you like. Trust us, they need the social
Please use this email to inform us about your successful
query campaign since you've been using our AQ database.
It feeds our egos, and we like to know that our little ol' website is really helping writers.
And of course, be sure to let us know when you reach that final goal line, and an agent offers you representation!